• info@tcstechnet.com

Secure Cloud




Patient & Provider Access

Regulatory Compliance

The field of medical technology is maturing quickly. TCS can be your guide to untangling changing technical standards, complicated regulations and compatibility between systems provided by different manufacturers.



Close to 90 percent of healthcare organizations use some form of cloud-based health IT infrastructure. Cloud services and applications were initially seen as only suitable for support functions that don't touch patient data. But quickly organizations are finding that on-premises servers face many of the same security risks and challenges that cloud servers in a data center are subject to -- and the costs of maintaining and servicing them are much higher.


Smaller providers may have upgraded to digital medtech in stages, only to find out that their separate systems that come online only a year or two apart are not compatible and can't share data. This challenge is a difficult one, but not insurmountable. Systems integration services from a company like TCS can deliver cross-communication between different systems at a reasonable price.


Standards for Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) require certain levels of access and usage of EHRs in order to comply with regulations. TCS works to ensure our clients are able to provide this to their patients while also offering flexible and easy-to-use interfaces for both providers and patients. Our expert systems designers are well-versed in the various Meaningful Use standards.


There are specific controls, training, certifications and standard operating procedures that must be followed to ensure compliance with the in-depth rules and regulations connected to storing and retrieving patient data. TCS is able to successfully navigate these issues and assist our clients with creation of a complete regulatory compliance plan.

Modernize your practice today!