• info@tcstechnet.com

Fully transforming your practice into the digital domain seems like a massive challenge. While it may eventually require a substantial startup investment, we have two strategies that help in this area.

One is to take an iterative approach to introducing new functionality. You don't need to transform everything at the same time, you just need to create a technology roadmap that will allow integration and interoperability over the long term. Eventually you will be delivering a fully digital experience to your providers, staff and patients. But there is no need to change everything all at the same time.

Our second successful strategy is to begin your digital transformation when and where you can see the greatest impact. When we begin a project, we help you track where your work hours are spent. This gives an idea about what digital technology we can add first to create the biggest savings in manpower compared to the cost to implement.

This could be as simple as setting up a self-service appointment-booking section on your website or as big as a fully digital document management system.